Spond Signup Guide – Adult

Please complete the online sign-up form here.

If you are an adult wishing to join Brixton BMX Club or attend our training sessions as a rider, or wishing to help the club as a volunteer please select ‘I want to become a member’’:

Next please select the appropriate member type:

For Brixton BMX Club members or those wishing to join the club please select one of the Brixton member types for adults:

  • Brixton Student / Unemployed 16-19
  • Brixton Adult

For members of sister clubs Peckham and Merton who wish to join Brixton training sessions, please select the appropriate club from the list. We do not distinguish between child and adult members of sister clubs.

  • Sister Club – Merton
  • Sister Club – Peckham

Riders who wish to join a training session but do not wish to join the club yet please select ‘Non member’.

Adults who do not ride but do wish to volunteer their time to help with the running of the club, please select ‘Volunteer’.

Once you have selected the member type another drop down will appear allowing you to select the group you would like to join. For riders wishing to join our training sessions please select the appropriate group:

  • Riders – Brixton BMX Club Novices
  • Riders – Brixton BMX Club Intermediates
  • Riders – Brixton BMX Club Experts
  • Riders – Brixton BMX Club Wingz
  • Riders – Brixton BMX Club Women and Girls

Members who selected the ‘Volunteer’ member type should select the ‘Admin – Volunteers’ group.

It doesn’t matter if you get the group selection wrong we can fix it up when approving the membership, but if you already attend Brixton training sessions it will help us if you indicate the appropriate group for the session you attend.

Now select ‘Next’ to go to the next tab ‘Member information’. Here you will need to fill out your personal details including name, date of birth and address and mobile number and email address. It is important that you use the same mobile number and email address as you used to create your spond account when you installed the app.

If you have a disability or medical condition you will be able to add these details later in the app. Please acknowledge by ticking the checkbox that you understand this and will add any relevant information as soon as you are able to (note this will be after the membership has been approved).

Click next to go to the summary tab which can review the information you have entered. You can add comments here which will be visible to the club when they review the membership request. Please do not add any sensitive data here such as medical conditions or disabilities – that information should be added later in the app. 

You will also be asked to consent to the clubs terms and conditions and photography usage policy.